Sunday, September 21, 2008

Understanding Freewill

I want to believe we are better than that. I want to believe that we are really not the talking heads we see on network television. I want to think we are not anywhere as trivial as the people who we listen to on our daily quest to find information. I want to believe it but then I listen to the guys at the train station, the people in the cubicles around us, the idiot in line at the coffee shop and then I fear that we might all be screwed.

That is unless we consider the simple fact that way too many people think that being far too serious about very serious issues works to solve them. If you consider the simplicity of harmony versus the convoluted road to disdain you can imagine that if everyone sat back and considered life as a flip flop wearing, wrinkle t-shirt loving person might, things might be better.

Now consider that everything is not black and white, that you can have a fine red wine with a piece of white fish, that you can be both pro life and pro choice, that seeing things down the middle does not make you afraid of making decisions just more akin to considering your options. Imagine it being okay to change your position on an issue after rethinking it.

What’s wrong with playing Rachmaninoff at a house party? So a guy wears pink? Why should fighting in hockey be banned? Who cares who you voted for just make sure you vote again. There is nothing wrong with some bad language. Foreign films are in fact great, but some do suck.

Can you understand where I am coming from?

It’s not about the left or the right, its about knowing where you come from. It’s understanding who you are and respecting others for what they are. Don’t be an idiot and scream about something you only understand because you heard it on the news. Stand on a soap box because you can argue both positions!

When it all comes down to it, look at your ankles, do you have a sock tan? If you are asking yourself what that has to do with anything you might not enjoy what I am about to say.

Stretch out, feel the wind in your hair, let the sun beat down on your face and live dangerously every now and then. When you wake up in the morning and you have freewill you have already won the battle.

Now take advantage of it and enjoy it.

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