Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Transgressions Upon My Family, Why Do We Care About Tiger Woods?

By Zeke Quezada

“So what do you think about Tiger Woods?”

Three different answers from the same guy to different people posing the question.

A woman asks the question:
The answer about Tiger Woods:
I cannot understand how one guy who has everything, a beautiful family, fame, fortune and he goes and blows it all for sex.

A man asks the questions:
The Answer about Tiger Woods:
Really, with all that cash you cannot just find a way to hide all your bad behavior? Damn, if that was me…

The rational answer about Tiger Woods:

We don’t know what goes on in the life of a public figure that is scrutinized at every turn. We have no clue what it feels like to have to be secluded and devoid of personal contact because you play golf better than anyone ever has. Imagine you gain all the notoriety and fame because you played golf with your father when you were a kid. You had some natural talent and you quickly become the best the game has ever known. Couple that with the pressure from society that you be the person they want you to be and the fact that everyone seems to need to know exactly what you do all the time.

Understand something, Tiger Woods is not some actor who decided to put his life on the big screen, on the small screen or on the stage, he plays golf, he keeps to himself and he usually avoids the spotlight when possible. Is he a public figure, yes, does he seek it out? I would venture to say, no.

Can he make a mistake? Of course, anyone can make a mistake. Is it fair that the media hounds him or any celebrity who has decided to act in a way that is not allowed by our culture?


There is no real answer here other than to say that in the age of information where we know where Lance Armstrong is at any given moment and we can watch snow melt on glaciers we need to realize that this is a privilege and not a right.

We don’t have a right to see exactly what everyone else is doing regardless of what they have decided to do with their personal lives. Regardless of their profession we don’t get to automatically become their friend on Facebook and demand they update their Twitter account.

If celebrities so choose to do that, they are embarking on creating a public persona and we can only expect those status updates and not believe that now we are entitled to all information.

Why do we care?

We have no right to care.

So how do you feel about Tiger Woods?

Correct answer about Tiger Woods:

It’s none of my business.